Saturday, August 10, 2013

Status: Shoe Dangling

Here's what happened:

I had a second interview with the HR Manager (really, a third if you count the phone screening).  It went very well. 

Yesterday, I met with the GM and that also went very well.  I left feeling as though it was just a formality and I already had the job (I will find out for certain on Monday).  I then proceeded to my local watering hole in search of some insider info, which left me feeling less sure about my original assumptions.  It turns out, at least two other people also met with the GM - and there are probably more!  Goodness!  That's not good news.  Maybe they, too, all left feeling like they're in like Flynn.  My source did tell me everything I told her was positive - all good signs. 

Everything has worked in my favor here (for once) and I don't think the circumstances could be better (for once) so if I don't get this job I've pretty much deduced that I'll never get any job.  The silver lining here is that it's not a devastating loss.  I still have a job and my boss tells me I'm like her right arm - not a third arm, but a right arm!  It's nice to finally hear nothing but positive feedback, although I will be putting her in a tremendous bind by leaving, if that's what ends up happening.

Anyway, the shoe is dangling, but has not yet dropped.  It will drop on Monday.  I just hope it drops on me and not someone else.

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