I have to share this with you guys, because Oh...My...God.
Now that we all understand the utility value of being functional idiots, we can press on.
It looks like I won't have to worry about commuting for two hours to work every day because I didn't hear back regarding the job I interviewed for last Wednesday within the time-frame they specified. In other depressing news, my unemployment account is going to run dry next week so I'm going to have to apply for extended benefits (thank you Mr. President).
Here's something else: I've kept accurate records of my employment search and I figure it's cost me about $10,000 in lost time. The hours wasted searching, applying, interviewing. Not to mention the money wasted on gas to get to interviews, printer paper, bond paper, ink, clasp envelopes, thank you cards, postage, UGH! Oh, and let's not forget the numerous hours spent studying for an insurance licensing exam and the nearly $1,000 it cost to take the courses, practice tests, pay the licensing fee and then driving to a town two hours away to take the test. And all for a 100% commission job it essentially cost me money to do. It should not be this hard. Being unemployed is fucking expensive. Anyway, I read somewhere that a person should expect to spend an additional month searching for employment for every additional $10,000 they expect to earn. By that standard, I should assume the $300,000/yr job offers will pour in at any moment. Meanwhile, I'm going to continue down the path of maximum resistance as I wait out the winter weather advisory on this late April day.
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